Day 1

09:30 Morning Session 1 (with worship)

11:00 Break

11:30 Morning Session 2

12:30* Lunch

14:30 Afternoon Session

15:30** Break

16:00 Seminars

17:15 Dinner

19:30 Evening Session (with worship)

21:30 End

Day 2

08:30 Early Morning Prayer & Worship

09:30 Morning Session 1 (with worship)

11:00 Break

11:30 Morning Session 2

12:30* Lunch

14:30 Afternoon Session

15:30** Break

16:00 Seminars

17:15 Dinner

19:30 Evening Session (with worship)

21:30 End

*Ministry Lunches are happening during VLG. You can view them all here.

**Personal Prophecy and Spiritual Direction (15:30 - 17.30) both days.

Please note that during VLG (A), we will have BSL during all main sessions.